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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Elkington

Unlocking the Mind: The Benefits of Access Bars Therapy for Depression and Anxiety

In the search for alternative methods to support mental health, Access Bars Therapy has emerged as a promising tool for alleviating symptoms of depression and anxiety. Rooted in energy healing practices, Access Bars Therapy offers a non-invasive way to help people clear emotional, mental, and energetic blockages. By targeting 32 specific points on the head, this therapy can promote relaxation, reduce stress, and encourage emotional release—offering relief to those struggling with the overwhelming effects of depression and anxiety.

What is Access Bars Therapy?

Access Bars Therapy is part of a broader system of healing called Access Consciousness, developed by Gary Douglas in the 1990s. The "Bars" refer to 32 energy points on the head that correspond to different areas of life, such as joy, peace, healing, body awareness, creativity, and more. During an Access Bars session, a practitioner gently touches these points, helping to release stored energy and limiting beliefs that can contribute to mental and emotional distress.

The idea is that these points store the electromagnetic component of thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By clearing stagnant energy at these points, it’s believed that the mind and body can more easily release stress and embrace new possibilities for mental clarity and emotional well-being.

How Access Bars Therapy Helps with Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are conditions that often leave people feeling stuck in negative thought patterns, overwhelmed by stress, and disconnected from a sense of hope or purpose. Access Bars Therapy offers several benefits for those struggling with these mental health challenges, including deep relaxation, emotional release, and a shift in perspective.

1. Promotes Deep Relaxation

One of the most immediate benefits of Access Bars Therapy is the profound sense of relaxation it induces. Many people who struggle with anxiety often experience heightened stress levels, making it difficult to relax or unwind. Access Bars sessions can help to calm the nervous system, allowing the body to release tension and enter a more peaceful state.

The gentle touch involved in the therapy encourages the brain to slow down and shift from the active beta state (associated with thinking and problem-solving) to the more relaxed theta and delta brainwave states. These slower brainwaves are associated with deep relaxation, meditative states, and even sleep, helping to reduce the stress and hyperactivity that often accompany anxiety.

2. Releases Emotional Blockages

Depression often leads people to feel stuck in a cycle of negative emotions, making it difficult to move forward in life. Access Bars Therapy can help release emotional blockages that may be preventing a person from experiencing joy, peace, or hope. By clearing the energy stored in the Bars points, it becomes easier to let go of emotional baggage, outdated beliefs, and subconscious fears that might be fueling depression.

This emotional release can be subtle, but for many, it creates a noticeable shift in how they feel after a session. They may experience less emotional heaviness, greater ease, and a lighter sense of being. Over time, repeated sessions can help dissolve layers of emotional tension, making room for more positive emotions and mental clarity.

3. Breaks Negative Thought Patterns

Both depression and anxiety are often associated with repetitive negative thoughts, also known as "rumination." This cycle of negative thinking can be hard to break, but Access Bars Therapy aims to disrupt these mental loops by clearing the energetic charge associated with specific thoughts or beliefs.

For example, if a person is constantly worried about failure or feels trapped in feelings of worthlessness, Access Bars Therapy may help reduce the intensity of these thoughts. The process of gently touching the Bars points can “reset” the mental patterns, creating space for new ways of thinking and allowing more constructive and empowering beliefs to emerge.

4. Boosts Mental Clarity and Focus

Depression and anxiety can leave the mind feeling foggy, unfocused, and overwhelmed. Many people report that after an Access Bars session, they experience greater mental clarity and focus. This mental clarity stems from the release of energetic blockages that were previously clouding the mind and keeping it in a state of confusion or overdrive.

As the mind clears, it becomes easier to see situations from a different perspective, solve problems more effectively, and approach challenges with a renewed sense of possibility. For those suffering from depression, this mental shift can be a key step in breaking free from feelings of hopelessness or stagnation.

5. Encourages Mindfulness and Present Moment Awareness

Access Bars Therapy promotes mindfulness by helping individuals become more aware of their mental and emotional states without being consumed by them. The process itself is deeply meditative, encouraging people to stay present and open to the sensations they experience during the session.

This focus on mindfulness can help people with anxiety ground themselves in the present moment rather than getting caught up in future worries or past regrets. It teaches the mind to slow down, which can help reduce the spirals of anxious thoughts that so often dominate during moments of heightened anxiety.

What to Expect During an Access Bars Session

A typical Access Bars session lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. You will lie down fully clothed while a practitioner gently touches the 32 energy points on your head. The experience is non-invasive and generally very relaxing. Some people fall asleep during the session, while others may feel a tingling sensation or a sense of emotional release.

After the session, many individuals report feeling lighter, calmer, and more centered. The effects can vary from person to person, but the most common feedback is a greater sense of mental and emotional clarity.

Is Access Bars Therapy Right for You?

While Access Bars Therapy is not a replacement for traditional mental health treatments, it can be a powerful complementary practice for those looking to manage depression and anxiety. If you’re feeling stuck in negative thought patterns or overwhelmed by stress, Access Bars could offer a gentle way to release emotional and mental blockages, promoting a greater sense of ease and peace.

As with any alternative therapy, it’s important to listen to your own intuition and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you’re managing severe depression or anxiety. However, many people find that Access Bars offers a unique pathway to emotional healing and a powerful tool for personal transformation.

Final Thoughts

In today’s fast-paced world, finding ways to balance mental health is more important than ever. Access Bars Therapy offers an intriguing and effective approach to managing depression and anxiety, allowing individuals to clear the mental clutter, release emotional burdens, and tap into their own innate ability to heal.

If you’re feeling weighed down by stress, fear, or sadness, consider exploring Access Bars as a way to reconnect with your inner peace and find greater mental and emotional balance. With its ability to promote deep relaxation, clear emotional blockages, and encourage new perspectives, this gentle practice could be the key to unlocking a happier, more centered version of yourself.

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