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Access Bars

there are 32 points on your head that, when touched, can stimulate positive change in the brain

Service Description

So, what are the Access Bars? Have you heard about the Access Bars? They are creating a whole lot of change for a whole lot of people. Practitioners worldwide are using the Bars to improve health, insomnia, anxiety and depression, stress, PTSD, migraines, panic attacks, OCD, Autism, weight, money, relationships, and more! How does it get any better than that? The Access Bars are 32 points on your head that effortlessly and quickly release your limitation when gently touched. These points contain all the thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions, and considerations you have stored about everything. GETTING YOUR BARS RUN can easily change EVERYTHING in your life that you’ve wanted to change. What are the Access Bars? And how can they help you? How many of the following apply to you; You're tired all day, but when your head hits the pillow at night, your brain goes into overdrive, and you can't sleep. You're constantly exhausted or high on adrenaline – you can't seem to relax in your life and achieve a happy "medium." You've tried meditation, yoga, journaling, and more – but you can't quiet your mind for long enough to feel the benefits, OR you're finding it exhausting keeping up with all of these practices. You've tried every wellness practice on the block and then some, and nothing seems to help you relax. Juggling family and work is exhausting. You don't seem to be having as much fun as you used to. You are functioning for survival rather than thriving. You often feel alone and stuck with a lack of clarity. You are ready for a new direction in your life. What if it doesn't have to be like that? This gentle technique called the Access Bars can help you change anything and create a life worth living. What are the Access Bars? Results of receiving the bars have blown away scientists! With such amazing benefits it's no wonder people have been curious about the science behind it all. A preliminary scientific study by leading neuroscientist Dr Jeffery Fannin revealed the neurological health benefits of Access Bars. By measuring brain waves before and after a Bars session, Dr Fannin discovered that Access Bars® has a positive neurological effect. Similar to those experienced by advanced meditators – and it produces these results immediately. What are the Access Bars and what does it feel like to receive this technique? Receiving a session, aka having your Bars run, is relaxing and peaceful; imagine the after-effects of a great massage

1 h
66 British pounds

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